AutoCommute formed from the evolution of many years of developing cutting edge technologies for specialized applications.
The origins of AutoCommute trace back to Autonomous Vehicle Systems, a team formed to compete in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. The AVS entry was based on a 1987 USMC HMMWV.
Following the Grand Challenge, AutoCommute was formed to further expand and commercialize autonomous vehicle technologies for the 2006 DARPA Urban Challenge and the emerging self driving vehicle market. Technologies like our lane detection system and obstacle avoidance system evolved directly for these efforts.
AutoCommute also adapted the autonomous technologies for use in safety inspections of overhead catenary systems (OCS) for light rail vehicle operators. The types of measurements continue to be expanded in response to customer desires.
AutoCommute continues to develop a wide range of high speed video and data recording solutions for our customers. Our data acquisition systems can support over 30,000 samples per second and can precisely synchronize various measurements.